KVKK Inventory Data Entry Automation

IKO provides a data entry method by fulfilling the requirements of the Laws No. 5651 and 6698 in Turkey and the GDPR laws in Europe.

KVKK Documentation Wizard

IKO Documentation wizard automatically creates contracts in accordance with the requirements of various laws and regulations, especially KVKK and GDPR.

IYS Data Uploading Module

Message Management System (İYS) module integrates up-to-date commercial electronic message approvals into the national database system they record.

IYS Permissions Update

It allows our customers who want to instantly check their commercial electronic message approvals.

SMS Veto Integration

In your commercial sms sendings, you can integrate your rejections into IYS with our automation.

SMS IYS Permissions Management

It checks the IYS permissions of your company's commercial messages before they reach the recipient.

Why Ikarus Bilişim ?

As Ikarus Bilişim, founded in 2017, based in İzmir, while developing new generation legal software, we would like to;

-Make our customers compliant with GDPR and KVKK compliance processes,,
-Facilitate your involvement in the process in terms of time and effort with our İYS (Message Management System) and “Ikarus KVKK Automation” (IKO®) products,,
-Offer software, products and services in the “Digital Transformation” process within the scope of mandatory transformation.

More Information

How should we proceed ?

How can we use Ikoportal, which is the automation of Ikarus Bilişim ?

Become a Member

Get in touch with Ikarus Bilişim to complete your membership process.

Define a Pack

After completing the membership process, define the packages you need.

Ready to Use

Follow your KVKK and IYS obligations without any problems.
